Empower Remote Work with Personalized Support

In the age of remote (and hybrid) work, Compt's flexible remote work benefits ensure your team feels supported and connected, no matter where they are. From home office stipends to wellness resources, we provide the tools needed for success around the world.

Why Remote Work Stipends?

Enhance Productivity

Traditional office setups often overlook the unique needs of remote employees. Remote work stipends offer personalized support, helping employees create productive work environments at home.

Promote Well-being

Remote work can blur the lines between personal and professional life. Providing stipends for wellness resources such as ergonomic office equipment can help employees maintain a healthy (and comfortable!) work-life balance.

Boost Participation

When remote employees feel supported, they are more engaged and committed to their work. Personalized stipends show that you value their unique needs and contributions, fostering loyalty and satisfaction.

My Stipends Employee Experience Compt Platform Screenshot

Employees enjoy a clear, easy-to-navigate dashboard, taking the confusion out of benefits and making for a more satisfying experience.


How It Works

Compt supports remote workers (and the HR teams that set them up) through three easy steps.


1. Tailor Your Benefits

Design a remote work stipend program that aligns with your company's values and the diverse needs of your remote team. Need to support people in various countries and currencies? Compt makes it easy!

Hand holding money

2. Deliver with Ease

Compt simplifies the process of delivering stipends, allowing remote employees to access the resources and support they need in their time zone and without hassle.

Heart with a checkmark

3. See the Impact

Track the utilization and impact of your remote work stipends, gaining insights into how this benefit improves productivity and well-being. Celebrate successes and make data-driven adjustments as needed.


Why Compt for Remote Work Benefits

Compt is often described as adaptive, engaging, and effective - all the qualities you need in software to foster a culture where remote work is as seamless as in-office. Here's why Compt stands out.


Customizable Support: Our platform allows you to offer a wide range of benefits tailored to the needs of remote employees. That means they're not limited to notebooks and pencils; they can get the monitor, mouse, keyboard, desk, and all the dongles they need to do their best work.


Inclusive Approach: We recognize the diverse circumstances of remote workers and provide benefits that are flexible and adaptable, ensuring everyone feels supported, whether they're new to WFH or a seasoned home office professional.


Streamlined Management: Compt integrates effortlessly with your existing HR tools, making administrative tasks like taxability and payroll reimbursement a breeze. Open your business to employees all over the world.

Or Go All-Inclusive with a Compt Lifestyle Spending Account

With years of experience at the forefront of the LSA, Compt continues to redefine how benefits should be designed and delivered.

Stipend Activity Mobile View
  • Innovate Your Offerings: Leverage our expertise to design LSA programs that go beyond conventional benefits, addressing everything from mental wellness to professional growth.
  • Customize to Individual Needs: Compt’s intuitive platform empowers employees to use their benefits in ways that matter most to them, fostering greater satisfaction and loyalty. Not to mention, it’s so simple to design, deliver, and reimburse.
  • Thrive with Comprehensive Support: Just like your people, we’re constantly growing and improving. Benefit from continuous innovation and support that ensures your LSA program remains relevant and actually used (and loved!).

Crafting LSA magic for HR teams, brokers, and ADP partners

At Compt, we understand that everyone has unique needs and goals for LSAs. Whether it’s enhancing the employee experience or transforming workplaces, we’re on board! We’re here to work alongside you in delivering customized solutions that make a difference for everyone.

Streamline and personalize benefits

Compt helps HR teams design and manage LSAs that boost satisfaction and retention. Simplify administration and gain insights to focus on growth.

Diversify your benefits portfolio

Offer clients customizable benefits that not only stand out to employees but also fit nicely into their overall compensation package.

More wins and added value

Compt’s integrations simplify benefits management and enhance client value. Scale effortlessly and enjoy a seamless experience with Compt.

Why Compt Customers Love The Platform

Andrea Srock, HR Manager

"Thanks to...our friends at Compt for understanding us, our teams, and making our working relationship so effortless. Or dare I say it...easy?!! Of all our partners, Compt has been my personal favorite to work with. And let's be honest, it's my favorite to use, too!"

Andrea Srock

HR Manager at Healthpeak Properties, Inc.

Jamie Calabria, Talent Acquisition

"We've been using Compt for several years to manage stipends for our team, and it has been a game-changer. The workflow is incredibly user-friendly for our employees, and on the admin side, it makes processing reimbursements through payroll effortless."

Jamie Calabria

Talent Acquisition at Crossbeam


From Coast to Coast (And Beyond!)

Remote work stipends empower your people to work comfortably, wherever they call home.

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