Learning and Development Benefits as Brilliant as Your Team

With Compt's popular learning and development stipend category, employee potential reaches new heights. From online courses to in-person workshops, everyone has the chance to acquire new skills, enhance their expertise, and advance their careers - all while driving company success!

Why Learning and Development Stipends?

Ditch Development Dead-Ends

Traditional training programs often stagnate, failing to cater to diverse learning styles and goals. Compt's L&D stipends empower employees to chart their own learning course, fostering engagement and propelling skill development.

Future-Proof Your Workforce

The skills landscape is constantly evolving. Compt equips your team to stay ahead of the innovation curve by acquiring in-demand expertise and honing their skillsets. Invest in a future-ready workforce that thrives in a changing world.

Boost Employee Loyalty & Advocacy

Investing in your team's growth sends a powerful message: "You matter." Learning and development stipends cultivate happier, more engaged employees who become vocal advocates for your company and employer brand.

My Stipends Employee Experience Compt Platform Screenshot

Employees enjoy a clear, easy-to-navigate dashboard, taking the confusion out of benefits and making for a more satisfying experience.


How It Works

Compt makes enriching your team's capabilities straightforward and impactful with three easy steps.


1. Craft a Learning Powerhouse

Design a learning and development program that aligns with your company's culture and budget. Choose stipend amounts and delivery options that turbocharge your team's skills.

Hand holding money

2. Seamless Program Rollout

Compt streamlines program launch. Employees can easily access and choose learning resources that resonate with them, fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment.

Heart with a checkmark

3. Track Progress & Celebrate Wins

Compt provides valuable insights into how stipends are utilized so you can prove the ROI of investing in skill development. And we help you continuously refine for optimal results.


Why Compt for Learning and Development

Compt is often described as adaptive, engaging, and effective - all the qualities you need in software to foster a culture of continuous learning and development. Here's why Compt stands out.


Unparalleled Learning Options: Compt empowers diverse learning journeys. From online courses to industry conferences and professional certifications, your team can choose the resources that best suit their needs and learning styles.


Everyone's A Learner: No one gets left behind. Compt's learning and development stipends are customizable, ensuring every team member has the opportunity to pursue educational pportunities that align with their unique goals and learning preferences.


Effortless Administration, Maximum Impact: Focus on building a vibrant learning culture, not managing paperwork. Compt integrates seamlessly with your existing HR systems, taking care of taxability and payroll reimbursements, allowing you to maximize the impact of your L&D program.

Or Go All-Inclusive with a Compt Lifestyle Spending Account

With years of experience at the forefront of the LSA, Compt continues to redefine how benefits should be designed and delivered.

Stipend Activity Mobile View
  • Innovate Your Offerings: Leverage our expertise to design LSA programs that go beyond conventional benefits, addressing everything from mental wellness to professional growth.
  • Customize to Individual Needs: Compt’s intuitive platform empowers employees to use their benefits in ways that matter most to them, fostering greater satisfaction and loyalty. Not to mention, it’s so simple to design, deliver, and reimburse.
  • Thrive with Comprehensive Support: Just like your people, we’re constantly growing and improving. Benefit from continuous innovation and support that ensures your LSA program remains relevant and actually used (and loved!).

Crafting LSA magic for HR teams, brokers, and ADP partners

At Compt, we understand that everyone has unique needs and goals for LSAs. Whether it’s enhancing the employee experience or transforming workplaces, we’re on board! We’re here to work alongside you in delivering customized solutions that make a difference for everyone.

Streamline and personalize benefits

Compt helps HR teams design and manage LSAs that boost satisfaction and retention. Simplify administration and gain insights to focus on growth.

Diversify your benefits portfolio

Offer clients customizable benefits that not only stand out to employees but also fit nicely into their overall compensation package.

More wins and added value

Compt’s integrations simplify benefits management and enhance client value. Scale effortlessly and enjoy a seamless experience with Compt.

Why Compt Customers Love The Platform

Andrea Srock, HR Manager

"Thanks to...our friends at Compt for understanding us, our teams, and making our working relationship so effortless. Or dare I say it...easy?!! Of all our partners, Compt has been my personal favorite to work with. And let's be honest, it's my favorite to use, too!"

Andrea Srock

HR Manager at Healthpeak Properties, Inc.

Jamie Calabria, Talent Acquisition

"We've been using Compt for several years to manage stipends for our team, and it has been a game-changer. The workflow is incredibly user-friendly for our employees, and on the admin side, it makes processing reimbursements through payroll effortless."

Jamie Calabria

Talent Acquisition at Crossbeam


Start Their Next Chapter Today

Every employee has untapped potential. With Compt's Learning and Development benefits, you can help them explore new skills and career paths.

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