Say hello to Lifestyle Spending Accounts.

(And goodbye work perks.)

Step into the future of employee benefits with Compt, where we’ve long championed the transformative power of Lifestyle Spending Accounts (LSAs). Our dedication to personalization and flexibility has set a new standard for how benefits can adapt to diverse employee needs.

Why Lifestyle Spending Accounts?

Hand holding money

Empowered Employees

Traditional lifestyle benefits often fall short of meeting individual needs. LSAs give your team the freedom to choose what benefits matter most to them, making it more memorable and rewarding.


Ultimate Flexibility

With LSAs, your employees enjoy unmatched flexibility. From wellness to professional growth, LSAs are the only benefit that molds to fit every person's life, making it truly personal and impactful.

Heart with a checkmark

A Workplace Where People Want to Be

Because LSAs can meet every life stage and journey, they foster a supportive and satisfied workplace, enhancing morale and retention and making your company a great place to work.

How Compt supports LSAs

With years of experience at the forefront of the LSA, Compt continues to redefine how benefits should be designed and delivered.

Compt My Stipends Dashboard Mobile Experience
  • Innovate Your Offerings: Leverage our expertise to design LSA programs that go beyond conventional benefits, addressing everything from mental wellness to professional growth.
  • Customize to Individual Needs: Compt’s intuitive platform empowers employees to use their benefits in ways that matter most to them, fostering greater satisfaction and loyalty. Not to mention, it’s so simple to design, deliver, and reimburse.
  • Thrive with Comprehensive Support: Just like your people, we’re constantly growing and improving. Benefit from continuous innovation and support that ensures your LSA program remains relevant and actually used (and loved!).

Crafting LSA magic for HR teams, brokers, and ADP partners

At Compt, we understand that everyone has unique needs and goals for LSAs. Whether it’s enhancing the employee experience or transforming workplaces, we’re on board! We’re here to work alongside you in delivering customized solutions that make a difference for everyone.

Streamline and personalize benefits

Compt helps HR teams design and manage LSAs that boost satisfaction and retention. Simplify administration and gain insights to focus on growth.

Diversify your benefits portfolio

Offer clients customizable benefits that not only stand out to employees but also fit nicely into their overall compensation package.

More wins and added value

Compt’s integrations simplify benefits management and enhance client value. Scale effortlessly and enjoy a seamless experience with Compt.

Why Compt for LSAs

Compt isn’t just a provider; we’re a partner in crafting exceptional benefit experiences that turn traditional compensation into modern, personalized benefit ecosystems. You know it’s the real deal when even employees are bragging about their benefits.

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Deep Insights

Our long-standing presence in the market provides unmatched insights into employee benefits, allowing for smarter, more effective program designs. Years of data and feedback helps us continually refine our offerings and meet the evolving needs of your workforce.

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Structured Flexibility

You read that right. Compt provides the breadth to accommodate diverse needs with the structure to ensure alignment with your company’s goals and policies. It’s flexibility with a framework, so benefits are both broad and appropriately tailored.

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Enduring Partnerships

We value long-term relationships and work with you to ensure your benefits strategy thrives. Sure, we have how-to videos and downloadable guides so you can choose your own adventure, but we also have one-on-one support to assist through implementation and beyond.

My Stipends Employee Experience Compt Platform Screenshot

Employees enjoy a clear, easy-to-navigate dashboard, taking the confusion out of benefits and making for a more satisfying experience.

Activity Feed Mobile View

The Top Reasons Companies Choose Compt

  • All-in-one LSAs & rewards
  • Works seamlessly for local, global or hybrid teams
  • Reimbursement LSAs means every vendor imaginable
  • Ensures IRS compliance without any extra effort from you
  • API integrations with major payroll providers
  • No per-user fees. Simple, fixed-price plans that adjust to clients’ needs
  • No administrative burden of manually tracking and reporting employee usage for accounting and finance teams

See how we stack up against other LSA solutions.

Why Compt Customers Love The Platform

Andrea Srock, HR Manager

"Thanks to...our friends at Compt for understanding us, our teams, and making our working relationship so effortless. Or dare I say it...easy?!! Of all our partners, Compt has been my personal favorite to work with. And let's be honest, it's my favorite to use, too!"

Andrea Srock

HR Manager at Healthpeak Properties, Inc.

Jamie Calabria, Talent Acquisition

"We've been using Compt for several years to manage stipends for our team, and it has been a game-changer. The workflow is incredibly user-friendly for our employees, and on the admin side, it makes processing reimbursements through payroll effortless."

Jamie Calabria

Talent Acquisition at Crossbeam


Bring benefits to life with LSAs

It's time to transform your tired, traditional perks with vibrant, personalized benefits. Nothing makes employee engagement come to life like Compt.

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